Library for reading and writing GEDCOM files.

class gedcom.Birth(level=None, tag=None, value=None, id=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, gedcom_file=None)

Represents a birth (BIRT).

class gedcom.Death(level=None, tag=None, value=None, id=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, gedcom_file=None)

Represents a death (DEAT).

class gedcom.Element(level=None, tag=None, value=None, id=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, gedcom_file=None)

Generic represetation for a GEDCOM element.

Can be used as is, or subclassed for specific functionality.


Add child_element as a child of this.

It sets the parent and parent_id of child_element to this element, but does not set the level(). See set_levels_downward() to correct that.

Parameters:child_element (Element) – The Element you want to add as a child.

Iterator over the encoded lines for this element.

Return type:iterator over string

Return an Element from the GEDCOM file with this id/pointer.

Parameters:other_id (str) – ID/Pointer of element to search for
Returns:Element with ID
Return type:Element
Raises:KeyError – If this id/pointer doesn’t exist in the file

Return a list of all child elements that have this tag.

Parameters:tag (str) – Tag to search for (e.g. ‘DATE’)
Returns:list of any child nodes that have this tag
Return type:list

Return the text of the Note (if any) of this Element.

Return None if there is no Note.


Set all level attributes for all child elements recursively, based on the level for this object.

class gedcom.Event(level=None, tag=None, value=None, id=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, gedcom_file=None)

Generic base class for events, like Birth (BIRT) etc.


Get the Date of this event, from the ‘DATE’ tagged child element.

Returns:date value
Return type:string
Raises:KeyError – if there is no DATE sub-element

Get the place of this event, from the ‘PLAC’ tagged child element.

Returns:date value
Return type:string
Raises:KeyError – if there is no PLAC sub-element
class gedcom.Family(level=None, tag=None, value=None, id=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, gedcom_file=None)

Represents a family ‘FAM’ tag.


Return the Husband‘s for this object.

Return type:list of Husband

Return list of partners in this marriage. all HUSB/WIFE child elements. Not dereferenced.

Return type:list of Husband or Wives

Return the Wife‘s for this object.

Return type:list of Wife
class gedcom.GedcomFile

Represents a GEDCOM file.


Add an Element to this file.

If element.level is unset, it’ll presume it’s a top level element, and set the level and id appropriately.

:param Element element: Element to add

element(tag, **kwargs)

Return a new Element that is in this file.

  • tag (str) – tag name for this object
  • **kwargs

    Passed to Element constructor

Return type:

Element or subclass based on tag


If GEDCOM file does not have a header (HEAD) or trailing element (TRLR), it will be added. If those exist they won’t be added.

Call this method to ensure the file has these required elements.


Ensure that the levels for all elements in this file are sensible.

Sets the Element.level of all root elements to 0, and calls Element.set_levels_downward() on each one.


Iterator of all Family’s in this file.

Returns:iterator of Families’s
Return type:iterator

Create and return a Family that is in this file.


Iterator that returns the lines in this file.

Returns:iterator over lines
Return type:iterator

Return this file as a string.

Returns:Full encoded text of this file
Return type:string

Create and return an Individual in this file.


Iterator of all Individual’s in this file.

Returns:iterator of Individual’s
Return type:iterator

Save the contents of this GEDCOM file to specified filename or file-like object.

Parameters:fileout – Filename or open file-like object to save this to.
Raises:Exception – if the filename exists
class gedcom.Husband(level=None, tag=None, value=None, id=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, gedcom_file=None)

Represents pointer to a husband in a family.

class gedcom.Individual(level=None, tag=None, value=None, id=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, gedcom_file=None)

Represents and INDI (Individual) element.


Return a list of ‘also known as’ names.


Class representing the birth of this person.


Class representing the death of this person.


Calculate and return the individual represenating the father of this person.

Returns None if none found.

Returns:the father, or None if not in file.
Raises:NotImplementedError – If it cannot figure out who’s the father.
Return type:Individual

Return the sex of this person, as the string ‘M’ or ‘F’.

NB: This should probably support more sexes/genders.

Return type:str

Return True iff this person is recorded as female.


Return True iff this person is recorded as male.


Calculate and return the individual represenating the mother of this person.

Returns None if none found.

Returns:the mother, or None if not in file.
Raises:NotImplementedError – If it cannot figure out who’s the mother.
Return type:Individual

Return this person’s name.

Returns a tuple of (firstname, lastname). If firstname or lastname isn’t in the file, then None is returned. :returns: (firstname, lastname)


Return list of parents of this person.

NB: There may be 0, 1, 2, 3, ... elements in this list.

Returns:List of Individual’s

Set the sex for this person.

Parameters:sex (str) – ‘M’ or ‘F’ for male or female resp.
Raises:TypeError – if sex is invalid

Return the sex of this person, as the string ‘M’ or ‘F’.

NB: This should probably support more sexes/genders.

Return type:str

Return the value of the Title (TITL) of this person, or None if no title.

class gedcom.Marriage(level=None, tag=None, value=None, id=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, gedcom_file=None)

Represents a marriage (MARR).

class gedcom.Note(level=None, tag=None, value=None, id=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, gedcom_file=None)

Represents a note (NOTE).


Return the full text of this note.

Internally, notes are stores across many child nodes, with child CONT/CONS child nodes that store the other lines. This method assembles these elements into one continuusous string.

class gedcom.Spouse(level=None, tag=None, value=None, id=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, gedcom_file=None)

Generic base class for HUSB/WIFE.


Return the Individual for this object.

Returns:the individual
Return type:Individual
Raises:KeyError – if id/pointer not found in the file.
class gedcom.Wife(level=None, tag=None, value=None, id=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, gedcom_file=None)

Represents pointer to a wife in a family.


Return the class object for this tag.

Parameters:tag (str) – tag (e.g. INDI)
Return type:class (Element or something that’s a subclass)

Return an instance of Element (or subclass) based on these parsed out values from line_regex.

Return type:Element or subclass

Parse and return this object, if it’s a file.

If it’s a filename, it calls parse_filename(), for file-like objects, parse_fp, for strings, calls parse_string.

Parameters:obj – filename, open file-like object or string contents of GEDCOM file

Parse filename and return GedcomFile.

Parameters:filename (string) – Filename to parse
Returns:GedcomFile instance

Parse file and return GedcomFile.

Parameters:file_fp (filehandle) – open file handle for input

Parse filename and return GedcomFile.

Parameters:string (str) – Filename to parse
Returns:GedcomFile instance

Internal class decorator to mark a python class as to be the handler for this tag.